Year 10 and 11 – GCSE J277



Comp 01: Computer Systems This is assessed by a written paper, which has a mixture of short and long answer questions. 15% AO1, 22% AO2 and 3% AO3. No calculators allowed. Written paper, 1 hour 30 mins, 80 marks, 50% of qualification.
Comp 02: Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming This is assessed by a written paper, which has a mixture of short and long answer questions. 14% AO1,14% AO2 and 12% AO3. No calculators allowed. Written paper, 1 hour 30 mins, 80 marks, 50% of qualification.

GCSE Computer Science Revision resources

GCSE Computer Science Getting Started MOOC (OCR) GCSE Computer Science Getting Started MOOC (OCR)
Use your login details to access all available materials in your Google classroom account
Use your Google classroom login details to access all available video quizzes in your Edpuzzle account
Use your Google classroom login details to access all available memrise tasks in your account
Free online Python books to download!

Assessment Objectives

A01: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key concepts and principles of Computer Science
A02: Apply knowledge and understanding of key concepts and principles of Computer Science

Programming Challenges

Complete all set programming challenges in the following document:

40 Challenge programming activities